sustainability initiatives
contributing to a responsible food system
Our dining team strives every day to create a responsible dining program. From working to minimize waste, support local partners with responsible sourcing, and creating green dining facilities, we are always looking for new ways to care for our world through a sustainable food system.
responsible sourcing
Our chefs work closely with local food systems to source our food responsibly. By sourcing seasonal ingredients and products produced with integrity, we can sustain responsible partners. To us, sustainable food means ingredients that are plant-based, 3rd party certified as sustainably produced and ingredients that are sourced from local and community based vendors.
Our team is passionate about incorporating local, seasonal ingredients into menus as much as possible. High Point Dining has implemented a preferential purchasing system that identifies food grown or produced within 150 miles, and its sustainable attributes. Local produce is harvested closest to its peak for a fresher, more flavorful nutrient-filled result. Not only do local foods tend to be fresher, local purchasing reduces transportation carbon emissions and invests money into community based operations. Look for locally grown signage to taste the best flavors our area has to offer, celebrate the season selections, and support the local efforts of our community!
Plant based foods (vegetables, whole grains, beans, etc) are proven to have a lower environmental impact than resource intensive animal products. With continuous recipe development for vibrant and unique plant based options, High Point provides diverse, complete-protein vegan dining options at all meals. The Cafe’, Farmers Market, and a number of our retail locations have menu offerings dedicated to plant based options. Our beef patties used for Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers are a sustainable, plant-forward blend of 30% mushrooms, 70% beef.
Our livestock farmers and ranchers share our high standards for humane animal treatment and environmental sustainability. We source beef, pork, chicken and turkey from North Carolina farms using regenerative agriculture principles, and certified animal welfare practices. All meats are free of antibiotics, growth hormones, and are fed vegetarian diets.
We serve beef certified as Global Animal Partnership Step 4, meaning cattle are on open pasture at all times. This allows natural grazing, enrichment, and eliminates pollution caused by cattle feedlots. By breeding for growth efficient genetics, cattle require less feed, resulting in a smaller greenhouse gas footprint.
We serve pork certified as Global Animal Partnership Step 1, meaning pigs are free to roam and interact with each other, and free of gestation crates.
We serve chicken and turkey that are Certified Humane, which ensures poultry are hatched, raised, transported, and processed following animal welfare standards. Our chicken and turkey are raised naturally with access to enriched, uncrowded indoor/outdoor nesting, and self-regulated eating and drinking schedules.
We serve cage free eggs from hens in enriched colony housing, which allows natural behaviors like nesting, perching, scratching, and socializing.
High Point Dining uses Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch recommendations to source seafood that is wild caught or farmed using responsible methods. Using continuously updated standards specific to North Carolina, we source only Best Choice or Good Alternative seafood.
Fair Trade coffee is served in all residential, retail, and catering dining operations. High Point Dining Services recognizes the need for social and environmental responsibility towards farm workers, our customers, and our communities. Benefits of these programs for coffee farmers mean community development, health, education, and environmental stewardship.
our operations
Sustainable practices extend to our facilities, where our team members work to ensure that our daily operations contribute to a healthy environment.
The most important step to food waste prevention happens before our ingredients even reach our kitchens: planning to match food production to food consumption. Our teams track ingredient consumption and use daily, creating more efficient and informed menu forecasting.
Every month, post-consumer food waste audits are conducted in different dining halls to track improvement and involve students on efforts to reduce waste.
In all dining locations, 100% of cooking oil that is no longer food safe is recycled into biodiesel.
By eliminating trays in dining locations, we conserve water and energy used in dishwashing, as well as reduce consumer food waste.
waste minimization
Through reusables, compostable and recyclable materials, our teams strive to reduce waste in all forms.
Dining Services composts all pre and post-consumer food waste from every dining kitchen across campus. By diverting our food waste to compost, we decrease our landfill footprint and contribute to nutrient rich soil in North Carolina. High Point Dining helps to recycle by sending all waste from The Café, Village Grill and The Silver Line Diner, to Gallins Family Farm for composting.
Take part in our reusable mug program to reduce waste and receive a discount on coffee at both Slane and Center for Student Success Starbucks locations.
For times when reusables aren’t available, High Point Dining provides 100% compostable silverware, cups, lids, and napkins.
High Point Dining recycles pre-consumer plastic, paper, cardboard, and aluminum, and partners with High Point University to provide post-consumer recyclable options when compostable isn’t available.